The Swan Center for Intuitive Living
A bridge from where you are in life to where you want to be.
"I am here to teach those who are ready to learn, comfort those who are ready to heal, and have compassion for those who are not ready for either one."
Master Rose
Master Rose Ashley was initiated as a Swanéte Master in 1986, after completing a twelve-year apprenticeship, under the tutelage of Sri Ra Sahi, headmaster of the Swanéte (Swan-uh-tay) monastery in Tibet. Swanéte is an ancient spiritual philosophy based on a core belief that we are here to love and serve God, by loving and serving all of God’s creations. Swanéte teaches that the best way we can do this is by discovering and fulfilling our life’s purpose, while serving others.
The Swanéte philosophy leads one, ultimately, to God Realization. God Realization is achieved when one maintains a conscious, consistent connection with the God consciousness and serves as a pure, intuitive channel for it, in the physical reality.
Prior to her initiation, Master Rose had a fifteen-year career as a seminar leader, personal success coach, professional psychic and lecturer. Her seminar topics included Personal Success, Spirituality, Parapsychology, Animals As Soul and Animal Communication. During this time, she was well known for her accurate insights into personal success, corporate training, family issues and animal behavior and training. She also worked as a consultant for several governmental and police agencies.
The Swan Center for Intuitive Living
Master Rose’s first task as a Swanéte Master was to establish the Swanéte philosophy as a spiritual organization in the United States, and to acquire land for a new monastery. In March of 1987, The Swan Center for Intuitive Living opened in Atlanta, Georgia and students began enrolling in classes on the philosophy. The Center housed a seminar company, holistic healing clinic, a fine arts gallery and music hall, and offices for success coaching.
Master Rose taught a one-year monastery training program in Alpharetta, Georgia, and then in October of 1987, moved the monastery to 150 acres, in the foothills of the north Georgia mountains. The monastery taught programs for the training of Swanéte Masters and offered animal related programs to the general public. Master Rose was initiated as a God Realized Master in 1987 and was appointed Headmaster of the Monastery in 1989. She was responsible for writing, designing and directing all of the monastery’s programs.
As Headmaster, Master Rose incorporated the rescue and rehabilitation of abused and neglected animals, into the spiritual training matrix of her students, who were seeking greater personal awareness and a clearer understanding of how to love and serve at the highest level. The animals presented endless opportunities to achieve these end results. First year students were required to have a rescue dog that needed specialized training, and upper level students were required to work daily, with one or more rescue horses. Over time the Swan Center Monastery became known worldwide for their animal training and rehabilitation techniques.
Guests, of every race, religion and walk of life, visited the monastery to participate in public programs. Many began to express interest in various elements of the spiritual training that took place at the monastery, as they too felt that loving and serving was in line with their own personal beliefs. They asked if there was a way that they could participate in some of the training, while maintaining their own religious or spiritual philosophies. Master Rose immediately designed a variety of programs to fit this need. The monastery became a popular tourist attraction, for Atlanta and surrounding areas, and hosted thousand of guests yearly.
As word of the success of the Monastery’s programs spread, Master Rose began receiving requests from other non-profit and human interest groups, to offer educational programs to them free of charge. In response to this, Swan Center Outreach was incorporated as a 501c3 non-profit organization, in 1999, making the organization eligible for public donations and grants, to fund free educational programs and the rescue of additional animals.
The monastery housed a welcome center, seminar rooms, a spiritual retreat center, gardens, nature trails for meditation and horse back riding, a petting zoo, and a stable and arena, for horse training, dog partnership clinics, children’s camps, and riding clinics.