The Swan Center for Intuitive Living
A bridge from where you are in life to where you want to be.
Our Spiritual Beliefs
We believe in one God Consciousness that brought forth everyone and everything in existence.
We believe that all creations are sacred and unique parts of this one spiritual body.
We believe that we were created by God, from God, and exist because of God’s love for us.
We believe we are an immortal Soul, dwelling in a physical body, with an eternal existence beyond this physical life. 

We believe our true nature is energy, our purpose is to be happy, and our design is to love and be loved.
We believe this can best be achieved by discovering our natural talents, developing them to the fullest degree, and utilizing them to love and serve all of God’s creations totally and unconditionally.
We believe that God has created unlimited possibilities, and we have been given the free will to invent our lives out of these possibilities.
We believe God constantly and consistently communicates with us in the form of intuitions.
We believe we can best develop our intuitive sense by living a life of balance.
We believe if we live each moment of our lives intuitively, spiritual peace and happiness will naturally occur.