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Master Rose Ashley

Present Day Headmaster, Spiritual Teacher & Advisor  

Master Rose's 61st year 56_edited_edited

A consultation with Master Rose Ashley serves as a bridge from where you are in life to where you want to be. Master Rose feels that the number one reason people are not successful in any endeavor is that they are not clear and specific about what they really want. She begins each session by helping her clients clearly define their goals, personal, career, or both. She then uses her intuitive abilities to quickly identify where the client is in relation to where they want to be and outlines a clear and direct course of action to follow. The goal is that each client leaves a session empowered with greater clarity and renewed self-confidence, a powerful set of tools to rely on, and a simple outline of steps to follow to improve success.


Master Rose offers consultations to Inventing Your Life Workshop grads and by referral only. Sessions are one hour in length and are held over the phone, making it easy for clients to receive immediate and confidential help.


General Fee: $275 per session


Workshop Grad Fee $200 per session






My experience in working with Master Rose on a personal level has always been a loving experience, not only for her insight and wisdom, but most of all for her compassionate guidance with the gift of empowerment. I'm very grateful for these sessions!


Juan R.

Visual Artist/Graphic Designer




“You in one short session helped me achieve clarity and peace on things which held me back. I can't put in words what happened and how it all unfolded but we started our conversation with me and my concerns and setbacks and the next thing I knew I was digging deep into areas of my life that blocked me from being a happier and healthier person. I walked away enlightened and given simple tools and nuggets of knowledge to use each day. I held all this knowledge myself and you made me open the door and accept it, look at it, own it. What a blessing the experience was and not at all what I expected. Much love and gratitude for holding my hand and leading me to water. You have such a beautiful God given gift and thank you for sharing. Anyone would be blessed and lucky to call on you and your gift.”


Forever grateful and forever yours,

Geist E Ussery




“I highly recommend Rose Ashley for her consultation services. In September 2016, I was in the initial stages of a divorce. On the advice of a good friend, I decided to do a consultation with Rose, and it turned out to be the best thing I could have done. She helped me immensely and gave me excellent advice. She also instructed me on how to help myself through this difficult time in my life. She is an amazing person, I feel very lucky to have found her. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone.”


Robert Arvidson

Silverthorne, Colorado




“Often, when you’re in the middle of a crisis in your life or in an ongoing dilemma, and solutions you have already tried just don’t work, you end up frustrated and feeling hopeless. What is needed is a whole fresh approach, one you would never even have thought of before because your mind, like the search engine on your computer, was on the same old track. A new track is desperately needed, but the mind that created it can’t come up with the way out and round and round you go.  That’s when I called Master Rose Ashley, and that’s when my whole life switched tracks and changed to a new direction filled with happiness and absolute clarity ahead. I would be selfish if I kept this secret to myself so I’m sharing it with you so you too can have the wisdom necessary to change your life, either with a consultation or signing up for the Inventing Your Life workshop."


Fran Ferguson

Author of Love Terry




When faced with a family issue needing a solution where all those impacted would benefit and seeing no outcomes that would meet that criteria, Master Rose brought forth a resolution that met the needs of all parties. Her work brings clarity to situations where confusion reigned.


She is gifted with the vision to see beyond the obvious. Master Rose’s vantage point lies above what most of us are equipped with for arriving at an answer. She brings a calming comforting influence where clarity and healing may occur."


Sherry Cook, Training Consultant




"Master Rose's love and support combines with the spiritual philosophy that she teaches and always has an answer that is better, more uplifting, and fulfilling that any other I have experienced. In any moment when I don't believe I can have or do something that I want, with clarity and a power that clears away any doubt, I'm presented with the best of possibilities that not only can I have what I want, but it is a moment and a decision away. When she says, “Here it is.” I see it. I feel it. I'm moved towards it!"


Jon B




 "The consultations I have experienced from Master Rose are amazing. The much needed advice and insights of who I really am and how to invent the life I want, gave me a whole new direction to follow.  I am blessed to have her as my coach and teacher."   

Lorraine Fouquet, Artist



1 hour phone consultation with Master Rose-General Session: $275





1 hour phone consultation with Master Rose-Workshop Graduates: $200




















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